A B C’onspiracy*
B.B.: Inspiration is drawing air into the lungs.
A.C.: The chest is regarded by the Greeks as a receptacle of sense impressions and a vehicle for each of the five senses.
C.B.: A breathes B to C.
B.B.: Removed from the body and set in lead letters on a page. Print changed the habits of thought.
C.B.: All errors read aloud.
(*A B C’onspiracy is a fictional dialogue between Bianca Baldi, Clare Butcher and Anne Carson.)
Artist Talk between Bianca Baldi and Clare Butcher as part of Pure Breaths at New Conference Hall, Sofia Unviersity, 2 fl.
In cooperation with the Cultural Center of Sofia University.
Bianca Baldi (1985 in Johannesburg, South Africa) Forthcoming: 11th Shanghai Biennale, Power Station of Art, Shanghai (CN), Slow Works, Sydney, Sydney (AU). Recent exhibitions include: The Image Generator II, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp (BE), Open House, Kunstverein Braunschweig (DE), 19th Contemporary Art Festival SESC Videobrasil, São Paolo (BR), Sightings, KZNSA, Durban (ZA),The 8th Berlin Biennale of Contemporary Art at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (DE), Zero Latitude at the Goethe Institut, Johannesburg (ZA).
Clare Butcher is an art educator from Zimbabwe, who cooks as part of her practice. She is currently coordinator for education with documenta 14, before which she taught at the Gerrit Rietveld Acaemy, the Piet Zwart Institute’s Masters of Education in Art, and the University of Cape Town amongst other learning institutions. Her own education includes an MFA from the School of Missing Studies in 2015, a Masters in Curating the Archive from the University of Cape Town in 2012, and participation in the de Appel Curatorial Programme in 2008/09. She was a guest curator with the Van Abbemuseum, where she also served as co-curator of the “Autonomy Project” (2010–12). Other collaborative and individual endeavors include Men Are Easier to Manage Than Rivers (2015); Historical Materialisms (2014–); Every Great Undertaking Has Its Ups And Downs (2014); Scenographies (2013); The Principles of Packing… on two travelling exhibitions (2012); and If A Tree… on the Second Johannesburg Biennale (2012).