Florin Flueras and Valentina Sciarra selected residents of the Eastern European Exchange Network 2020

July 2020


We congratulate Florin Flueras and Valentina Sciarra for participating in the first edition of the Eastern European Exchange Network, a cooperation between Akademie Schloss Solitude and three spaces in Sofia: Aether, Radar and Swimming Pool. More information on the Network you can find here.

Florin Flueras will be hosted in Sofia in the months September / October / November. Valentina will be spending the autumn months at the Akademie Schloss Solitude.



Florin Flueras

In his recent works Unexperiences, Unimages, Unvisitors, Unhere, Unexist Florin Flueras is affecting the artworks – visitors codes and relations. They are performed from the posture of visitors, and activated in their bodies. In some venues they can appear uninvited – Unofficial Unworks. Artwork is a way to recontextualize and present the same works in a “method”/”technique” format, borrowing from the somatic and spiritual methods and aesthetics and playing with the ambiguity of being at the same time an artwork and a real new method. On the same line of challenging the implicit constraints of the art world, together with Alina Popa he created alternative art environments – complex compositions of people, concepts, sensibilities, aesthetics, processes – artworks as Artworlds (Unsorcery, The Clinic). The Candidate is another entity that he initiated with Ion Dumitrescu based on Postspectacle, the extension of performance practices to the bigger stages: mass media, politics, entertainment industry. Often his work expands to “outside” zones of politics, philosophy, spirituality, health care, education, affecting their codes and protocols. His work was shown at Fap Sao Paulo, DEPO Istanbul, Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw, Jardim Equatorial Sao Paulo, Fabrica de Pensule Cluj, House of Drama Oslo, Rampe Stuttgart, MUMOK Kino Vienna, HAU Berlin, TQW Vienna, Karas Zagreb, DeSingle Antwerp, Atelier 35 Bucharest, CNDB Bucharest, MNAC Bucharest, Salonul de Proiecte Bucharest, Aleppo Brussels, Akademie Solitude Stuttgart, Europalia Brussels, Bozar Brussels…



Valentina Sciarra

Valentina Sciarra (born in Rome, Italy 1983) – after a Masters Degree in Law and many specialized courses in photography, Sciarra got her diploma with honors in 2013 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome with a thesis on «Les espaces en friches» in the urban space (Engl. “Wastelands in the Urban Space”), written during a study program at Villa Arson Art Academy in Nice, France. She currently lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria, where she completed a Masters degree in Sculpture at the National Academy of Art in 2018.
Her works are in-situ interventions that transition from photography to installation, from sculpture to sound; some of which are permanent works in public spaces or in naturalistic sites, including Acqua Non Potabile, site-specific plastic fountain commissioned by the Bulgarian Fund for Women for European Capital of Culture Plovdiv 2019; The path of the oscillating stones, land art work at Strupanitsa’s rock fall Lukovit (BG); Vita at the Murgia National Park (IT); Entre terre et ciel, permanent installation at the entrance of Archet Hospital in Nice France. Since 2016, she has carried out a specific research on stone sculpture, in which the way of acting is not directed to shaping – molding – giving form to the stone, but the focus is to grow-thing or transfiguring the potentiality of the stone itself. The sculptures are a consequence simple and direct of the original shape or geological conformation of the stones. Every stone is chosen for its ability to suggest and for its ability to become. She was supported by the Gaudenz B. Ruf Award Support Program in 2019 and 2018.


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